Overview: Products Included

Guitar players often slide or hammer/pull into a note. We do have a legato keyswitch to make notes legato, but that’s kinda cumbersome. So we also have an “Auto-Legato” switch, which senses when you played a 2nd or minor 2nd interval and makes those legato, since that’s typically what a real player would do.12-STRING MODE
Yeah, it’s a simulated 12-string, but like with Acoustic Lite, it sounds pretty darn good. Better, in fact, because we added the ability to adjust the detune, as well as where the split point is for octave versus unison courses.

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$129 Value


key Features

  • Great tone, recorded specifically for fingerpicking
  • Easy to use Pattern Player
  • Simply play chords and Fingerpick does the rest
  • 6-string or 12-string

Don’t miss this insane deal!

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