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Checking Out the Extended Guitar Bundle by Edu Prado Sounds!

Checking Out the Extended Guitar Bundle by Edu Prado Sounds!


The Guitar Bundle from Edu Prado contains two unique acoustic guitar libraries: Bowed Guitar and Guitarmonics, both requiring the Full Version of Kontakt to run. Each comes with 5 different articulations and 5 effects, which allows you to create some new and unusual sounds, as well as providing you with some unique articulations that capture the full sonic capabilities of an acoustic guitar!

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Bowed Guitar is, of course, samples which were captured by playing an acoustic guitar with a bow. You get Sul Pont (this sound is more shrill with lots of treble overtones), Long (standard bowing, warm and full), Tremolo, Pad (synthesized/processed version of the sounds), and Harmonics. You also get five unique effects to shape the sounds to your liking, including Reverb, Delay, Width, Drive, and Cutoff which controls the low pass filter frequency.

Guitarmonics captures the beautiful sound of harmonics played on an acoustic guitar. You get Fingerstyle, Picked, Reverse, Pad, and Percussion. With this one library you can create beautiful, natural sounding guitar harmonics, but you can also experiment and create some unique and designed sounds which can be ethereal and ambient, or more aggressive and even synthy. The inclusion of a Percussion articulation is really nice, as you can get some amazing percussive tones which were captured from striking the body, neck, and strings of the acoustic guitar.

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