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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Audio Design Desk – Next Generation DAW
Audio Design Desk - Next Generation DAW

Audio Design Desk – Next Generation DAW

4.5/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 47 )

For only $99 (normally $1099), get Audio Design Desk (Produce license), the award-winning Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)!

Audio Design Desk (ADD) is a next-generation digital audio workstation (DAW) that harnesses the power of A.I. to streamline and improve painstaking workflows – saving time, money, and making the work fun again.

Audio Design Desk has earned numerous awards and mentions including being a 2020 SXSW innovator, winning Best Of Show from the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), winning a 2022 CES Innovation Award, being Mix magazine’s Top 20 Products of the Year, receiving the Macworld Editors’ Choice award, MusicTech Editors Choice, a Timmy Award for Best Tech Startup in Los Angeles, and a current nomination for the 2022 NAMM T.E.C. Award.

ADD comes bundled with over 35,000+ royalty-free sounds with a team of composers releasing new effects, compositions, and sound design each week.

Normally valued at $1099, ADD is now offered at a whopping 91% off for a few days, don’t miss out!

NOTE: The Produce Perpetual license version is on sale, not the subscription version.




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    Audio Design Desk – Next Generation DAW

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