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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Big Fat Rock Bundle by Image Sounds
Big Fat Rock Bundle by Image Sounds

Big Fat Rock Bundle by Image Sounds

4.0/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 16 )

For only $29.99 (normally $164), get the Big Fat Rock Bundle – a bombastic bundle of two ‘Image Sounds’ classics!

Weighing in at 7GB, and as explosive as TNT, this pack features soaring guitar solos, lush and energetic drums and a whole lotta rock. From ACDC to Aerosmith – the authentic performance and playing techniques will have you feeling like you’re working toe to toe with your favourite rock legends. In case you don’t wanna miss a thing, ‘Big Fat Rock Bundle’ also includes those heartfelt yet heavy rock ballads that bring back memories to sing along to.

Find your musical wingman in Big Fat Rock and add this versatile players to your team. You can get all titles bundled together at a reduced & incredible price! Don’t miss the deal!

Normally $164, this bundle is now available for only $29.99 (you save $134) for a limited time only. Don’t miss this amazing deal!




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