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CONSEQUENCE (AAX, AU, VST2) by Sugar Bytes
CONSEQUENCE (AAX, AU, VST2) by Sugar Bytes

CONSEQUENCE (AAX, AU, VST2) by Sugar Bytes

3.8/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 4 )

For only $54.99 (normally $119), get CONSEQUENCE, the chord sequencer by Sugar Bytes!

CONSEQUENCE is an arpeggiator, which creates a sequence of notes based on the chords that you provide. Up to 3 instruments can be loaded up, and a vast number of sequencing options can be used to control the way that the plug-in “interprets” your input.

CONSEQUENCE is a composition tool, which can create chord-lines or whole songs on the fly, but also chords which are played via MIDI can be super-sized using the innovative sound and sequencing engine.

Get CONSEQUENCE now at 54% off for a limited time only, hurry and save!




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CONSEQUENCE (AAX, AU, VST2) by Sugar Bytes

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