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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Drum Particles Collection for Kontakt by Chocolate Audio
Drum Particles Collection for Kontakt by Chocolate Audio

Drum Particles Collection for Kontakt by Chocolate Audio

4.5/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 2 )

For only $69.00 (normally $299), get the Drum Particles Collection for Kontakt by Chocolate Audio.

The current collection features a massive 205,000 samples, 48 GB in compressed sampled content and 300 drum pieces!

With this collection, you can significantly simplify your workflow and reduce memory and CPU footprint when you do not need a full drum kit in the production you are working on.

This is a limited-time offer you should not miss!

NOTE: This product requires the full version of Kontakt 5.5.2 or higher




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Drum Particles Collection for Kontakt by Chocolate Audio

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