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Subtotal: $110.00
Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
ImPerfect Synthesizer + Expansions by WA Production
Imperfect Synthesizer + Expansions by WA Production

ImPerfect Synthesizer + Expansions by WA Production

4.0/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 148 )

For as low as $9.99 (instead of $108.80) with your rewards cash, get Imperfect Synthesizer + Expansions by WA Production!

Most digital synths out there offer easily accessible functions, pristine digital quality and precisely tuned tones. “Imperfect” aims to break that trend with wavering detuned oscillators, modulating effects and a whole host of other functions designed to put the analog fun back into synth programming.

You can now get ImPerfect along with all expansion packs, giving you ImPerfect with a big amount of brand new additional presets, in one unique package.

Originally $108.80, this bundle is now available for as low as $9.99 with your rewards cash! This is an amazing offer you should not miss!




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ImPerfect Synthesizer + Expansions by WA Production

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