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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Kontakt Piano Bundle by Production Voices
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Kontakt Piano Bundle by Production Voices

4.0/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 7 )

For just $99.99, Production Voices proudly offers The Kontakt Piano Bundle featuring 4 epic piano libraries at an amazing 75% off ($296 savings)! This massive bundle contains some of the best piano samples and Kontakt piano libraries that Production Voices has to offer. The bundle includes a 4 mic sample Yamaha C3, an 8 mic sampled Yamaha C7, Production Voices’ highly sought after Death Piano containing upright and grand piano morphed offerings and a 3 mic sampled Kawai GS 60 praised for its natural tone and unique character. In total, there are over 50,000 samples and over 90 GB of content before lossless compression. All libraries require the full retail version of Kontakt. You do not want to miss this amazing deal, hurry and save!




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    Kontakt Piano Bundle by Production Voices

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