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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Piano Pioneers Bundle by REALSAMPLES
Piano Pioneers Bundle by realsamples

Piano Pioneers Bundle by REALSAMPLES

3.9/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 35 )

For just $19.99 (instead of $219.90), get the Piano Pioneers Bundle from REALSAMPLES featuring 2 unique sounding piano libraries from their Beurmann series: Dulcitone Celesta and Early Pianoforte!

Built around 1910 by Dyson & Sons, the unique Dulcitone Celesta is a small tuning-fork piano sporting a vibrant, mellow and charming sound reminiscent of a vibraphone, glockenspiel, marimba and a piano.

The Early Pianoforte library offers the unique sound of a historical pianoforte by Johann Andreas Stein built in Augsburg in 1793.

Both libraries in this bundle come with presets for Native Instruments™’ Kontakt® sampler (full version required)

Originally $219.90, the Piano Pioneers Bundle is now available for just $19.99 for a limited time only – you save $200! This is an amazing offer you should not miss!




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Piano Pioneers Bundle by REALSAMPLES

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