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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Rasta Reggae & Dancehall Vocal Bundle by Dreadstar Vocals
Rasta Reggae & Dancehall Vocal Bundle by Dreadstar Vocals

Rasta Reggae & Dancehall Vocal Bundle by Dreadstar Vocals

4.0/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 6 )

For just $20.00 (instead of $144), get the Rasta Reggae & Dancehall Vocal Bundle by Dreadstar Vocals featuring 5 vocal sample packs: Red, God & Green Rasta Vocals, Classic Dancehall Vocals, Lovers Rock Reggae Vocals, Soundboy Rasta Shout-outs and Reggae & Dancehall Vocals.

Weighing in at 2.3 GB, this bundle provides a superb selection of true and authentic Rasta vocals covering a wide range of music styles, feat. no less than 10 of our talented artists, singing & chanting inna true Rasta style.

Expect to find classic Reggae, ragga, old school & modern dancehall, lovers rock, future reggae and much more. This amazing bundle will cover all your reggae needs with Hooks & shouts, vocals drops, chants, melodies, phrases, old school toasting, vocal Fx drops and the list goes on.

With over 1000 vocal samples, we are pretty sure that this bundle will become your go-to reggae vocal pack for years to come.

This is a limited time offer you should not miss, hurry and save!




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    Rasta Reggae & Dancehall Vocal Bundle by Dreadstar Vocals

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