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Synthophone by SAMPLESO
Synthophone by Sampleso

Synthophone by SAMPLESO

4.2/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 22 )

For just $11.99 (instead of $39.99) get Synthophone from SAMPLESO!

Synthophone is a deep sampled instrument based on the classic Stylophone combined with Sampleso’s signature Kontakt engine which takes this instrument way beyond its original functionality.

This instrument was accurately sampled to behave just like the original unit, capturing each note in all three registers, including noises for the stylus tap and release, with the ability to mix and choose between MIC input and LINE input sources giving further tonal versatility.

Originally $39.99, Synthophone is now available for only $11.99. Limited time offer, don’t miss out!

NOTE: Requires the full version of Kontakt 5..5.1 or later!




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Synthophone by SAMPLESO

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