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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
T-RackS Space Delay by IK Multimedia
T-RackS Space Delay by IK Multimedia

T-RackS Space Delay by IK Multimedia


For only $44.99 (normally $99.99), get T-RackS Space Delay by IK Multimedia!

Like all T-RackS plug-ins, the Space Delay offers you two ways to work: as a stand-alone plug-in, or inside the T-RackS 5 shell. Use these together with any of the other T-RackS processors to mix and master faster than ever creating a powerful, lightning-fast workflow.

The T-RackS shell offers a unique modular system with up to 16-processor chains, series & parallel routing, easy A/B/C/D comparison, up to 192 kHz / 32-bit floating point processing and much more, in both a plug-in and stand-alone mastering application.

This is an amazing offer you should not miss, hurry and save!




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T-RackS Space Delay by IK Multimedia

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