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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
T3X2R for Ableton Live
T3XT2R for Ableton Live

T3X2R for Ableton Live

4.2/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 21 )

For only $24.99 (normally $116), get T3X2R for Ableton Live!

T3X2R is a full pack of 12 Max for Live visual devices that helps you visualize your audio with a practical, versatile and innovative way of producing audiovisual content.

Each generative visual module has particular characteristics in terms of blending techniques between audio and graphics.

Through a concrete and modular graphical interface, it is possible to customize T3X2R. Each module, has particular characteristics in terms of blending techniques between audio and graphics, resulting in an immense amount of shapes, shades and textures.

Normally valued at $116, T3X2R is now offered for only $24.99 for a limited time, don’t miss out!

NOTE: Requires Ableton Live 10.1+ and Max 8.1.5+.




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T3X2R for Ableton Live

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