Need some professional contemporary music on a deadline? Reach for The Resource!
The Resource! Pretty ambiguous name, eh? Well, when it comes to creating music fast, Ueberschall libraries are some of the best in the biz. We’ve featured many of their libraries that focus on a more cinematic sound, and this time we’re offering their take on more contemporary music, from Jazz, Rock, Pop, to Latin, Funk, Soul, and even all the way to modern, radio friendly music.

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The Elastik Player is primarily a loop based engine, allowing you to map different loops to the entirety of your MIDI keyboard, but it also contains one-shots and single drum hits as well. The way this engine is set up makes it effortless to layer TONS of different sounds together, and then add effects per layer. It’s very realistic and “live” sounding, giving you a true detailed performance. I find these libraries are invaluable when working on deadlines: Especially for advertisements, or scoring scenes which call for a sort of recognizable sound of a certain pop song that they want to capture in that scene. It’s all very simple and intuitive with The Resource!
From exceptional quality samples, lively performances, and covering an immense range of genres, The Resource is a steal and a powerful tool for any songwriter or composer! Create songs instantly, from underscore to full-fledged pop and rock productions, and also covering many genres you don’t see as often in sample libraries, like Latin, Soul, and more.