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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Early Pianoforte by Realsamples
Early Pianoforte by Realsamples

Early Pianoforte by Realsamples

4.3/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 13 )

For only $19.95 (normally $119.95), get the Early Pianoforte (Edition Beurmann) by Realsamples.

The Early Pianoforte library features one of the earliest pianoforte instruments, built by Johann Andreas Stein built in Augsburg in 1793

The pianoforte is sampled in its original pitch at 417 Hz (presets at 440 Hz included). The sound was captured with 32 velocity layers of each note. Furthermore, key release sounds were recorded in 8 variations per key.

This is a limited time offer you should not miss, hurry and save!

Note: Requires the full (paid) version of Kontakt 4.7 or higher.




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Early Pianoforte by Realsamples

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