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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Genesis – Pads in Motion by Sample Logic
Genesis Pads in Motion by Sample Logic

Genesis – Pads in Motion by Sample Logic

4.8/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 6 )

For only $199.99 (normally $249.99), get the newly released Genesis Pads in Motion by Sample Logic.

GENESIS takes the pain out of pads, with sounds as silky-smooth as its streamlined design process. This advanced pad instrument creates pads nimbly and simply.

Gone are the days of painstakingly processing, editing and layering samples to make your perfect pad …GENESIS is here to save the day!

Create rich and unique pads at the click of a button generating bespoke instruments that come to life.

Limited time offer, don’t miss out!

Note: Requires the paid version of Kontakt, version 6.7.1 or higher. Will not work in the free Kontakt Player!



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Genesis – Pads in Motion by Sample Logic

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