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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Iconic V by Iconic Instruments
Iconic V by Iconic Instruments

Iconic V by Iconic Instruments

4.3/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 7 )

For only $44.99 (normally $99.99), get Iconic V, a Kontakt version of the most recognisable drum synth of the 1980s by Iconic Instruments.

Boasting eight fully tweakable drum and cymbal modules, a comprehensive mixer and onboard effects, this drum synthesizer does both classic, and contemporary with ease.

Recreate the sonic footprints of great artists like Duran Duran, Howard Jones and Naked Eyes, or use the new circuit bent parameters and tone-shaping effects to craft an entirely original sound.

This is a limited time offer you should not miss, hurry and save!

Note: Licensed for both Kontakt 6 .7 and the Free Kontakt Player 6.7 (purchase of Kontakt not required)




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Iconic V by Iconic Instruments

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