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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
PALETTE Orchestral Series by Red Room Audio
Palette Complete by Red Room Audio

PALETTE Orchestral Series by Red Room Audio

4.4/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 39 )

For just $270 (instead of $900), get PALETTE ORCHESTRAL SERIES by Red Room Audio! This Kontakt Player bundle features all 4 in the series: PALETTE – SYMPHONIC SKETCHPAD, PALETTE – MELODIC, PALETTE – ORCHESTRAL FX & PALETTE – RUNS & ARPS.

Palette is a series of thematic professional orchestral and cinematic Kontakt virtual instruments for songwriters and media composers. It was recorded in a dedicated hall with world-renowned performers by a passionate and experienced team of sample makers.

Weighing in at a massive 76GB+, this bundle is a wellspring of inspiration that helps you to quickly and easily bring your cinematic ideas to life.

Originally $900, PALETTE ORCHESTRAL SERIES is now available for just $270.00 for a limited time only – you save $630! This is an amazing offer you should not miss!



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    PALETTE Orchestral Series by Red Room Audio

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