The eq plug-in that repositions audio sources in post-production. Whether music or speech – proximity:EQ+ lets you edit sound spaces as never before.
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Use Cases
More freedom in postproduction
Closer to the source
Often enough when interviewing, the recording microphone got placed too far from the source; or the grand piano turns out muddy because too much reverb was recorded. In these situations, proximity:EQ+ lets you draw the voice significantly closer and give the muddy piano a crisper sound in postproduction.
For every dollar you spend on any Deal or in the Shop, past, present or future, we'll give you back 10% of that in store rewards credit that will be saved in your Rewards Wallet.
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For every dollar you spend on any Deal or in the Shop, past, present or future, we'll give you back 10% of that in store rewards credit that will be saved in your Rewards Wallet.