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PsyAmp VST by BeastSamples
Psy-Amp Vintage Amplifier by BeastSamples
PsyAmp VST by BeastSamples

Psy-Amp Vintage Amplifier by BeastSamples

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $49.00.

4.0/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 4 )


For only $49 (normally $149.99), get PSY-AMP Vintage Amplifier by BeastSamples!

Psy-Amp is more than just a creative music production plugin. With its multiple utilities and unique sound, Psy-Amp empowers you to make exceptionally creative decisions.

Its vintage nature and thoughtful design will elevate your creative process, making you more productive.

Limited time offer, don’t miss out!

Note: Available for Mac & PC in VST3 and AU formats (64-bit only)

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PsyAmp VST by BeastSamples

Psy-Amp is a VST3 audio plugin that emulates a psychedelic vintage amplifier for creative music production. Whether you are a musician, a producer, an audio engineer, or a sound designer, you can use Psy-Amp to process analogue sound with realism and originality.

Psy-Amp is not based on any existing model of amplifier. It has its own distinctive sound character and deep settings that allow you to manipulate sound in innovative ways. You can use Psy-Amp to shape and tone your sound based on your pure instinct and intuition.

Psy-Amp's vintage nature and design will inspire your creativity and productivity more than any AI tools that offer quick but unsatisfying results. Psy-Amp reminds you that the human factor and instinctive decisions are what make the difference in music production.

Technical Characteristics

Psy-Amp offers a unique signal chain that can be customized completely by the end-user. The signal chain starts from the input/sample and goes into an analogue mode tube that gives you the option to use it as a pre-amp or a post-amp. All the dynamics are coming first starting with a tube with deep settings for ultimate tone shaping and are followed by a chain of analogue fx’s such as Overdrive, Distortion, Wah-Wah, Pitch shifter, Flanger, Delay & Reverb. Each one of these FX’s offers different parameters so you can manipulate your input/sample to the fullest.

All the above can be used in different ways into Psy-Amp but as the possibilities are endless, we created 3 basic set-ups. These set-ups are:

Mode1: Default (Clean)
Mode2: Pre-Amp
Mode3: Post-Gain (Post-Amp)

Also, Psy-Amp offers Cab-IR that can work parallel to all the settings and modes of Psy-Amp. Cab-IR can be used as a secondary tone shaper of your signal or simulate a different mic response of the Amp. A Noise-Gate is added as a silencer with the adjustable Threshold.

Despite that there are a lot of settings and options, Psy-Amp has a straightforward interface with an easy-to-use wheel system so that you can process signal into the desired outcome without complex or AI interfaces but with a strong realistic feeling to work with.

$149.00 Value


Key Features

Original DSP
All in one solution
High End Audio
FX’s with deep settings and fully adjustable controls
Straightforward & Easy to use Interface
Available for Win/Mac/M1

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