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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Rast Sound Signature Collection
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Rast Sound Signature Collection

3.8/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 6 )

For just $89 (instead of $394), get the Rast Sound Signature Collection featuring 8 best-selling libraries with a wealth of local vocal tastes, cinematic engines, solo instruments, rhythm suites and more.

The collection contains African Vocals with wealth of authentic war & love chants, patterns, songs, playable solo instruments and phrase composer tools from motherland Africa.

Mideast and Indian Rhythms offers a complete world percussive natural and cinematic suite. Master Shakuhachi, Master Duduk, and Black Sea Flutes bring in capabilities of a master performer with a variety of articulations and performances.

Cinescapes offers you a versatile toolbox for creating sound environments for diverse moods, as well as ready to go soundscapes and rhythmic ambiance elements. Indie Vocals adds modern human colour to the signature collection.

Originally $394, this massive collection is now available for just $89 for a limited time only – you save $305! This is an amazing no-brainer offer you should not miss!




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Rast Sound Signature Collection

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