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Traveling Pianos by Kirk Hunter Studios
Traveling Pianos by Kirk Hunter Studios

Traveling Pianos by Kirk Hunter Studios

4.3/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 6 )

For as low as $99.99 (normally $199.99) with your rewards, get the all-new TRAVELING PIANOS, the latest release from Kirk Hunter Studios.

TRAVELING PIANOS contains two pianos: Kirk Hunter’s own Yamaha G5 for a clear, pristine, yet powerful sound and Michael Lehmann-Boddicker’s Yamaha C7 engineered by Michael himself, and played by Kirk. This piano has been a workhorse for many A-list performers, and can now be YOURS!

With TRAVELING PIANOS, all of the controls and features are laid out in one easy-to-use interface. You likely will not even need a tutorial with this library!

This is a limited time offer you should not miss, hurry and save!




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A Piano That Travels Among A-List Artists is Now Traveling to YOU!
Traveling Pianos by Kirk Hunter Studios

Why is it called Traveling Pianos?
The quality of that C7 piano evokes the feeling of "traveling" though time; successfully covering many different musical styles. And since so many different artists have put "hands to keys" on it, it's like it has "traveled" to and from these special performers. And now, as the "Traveling Pianos" sample library, it can quite literally "travel" to YOU.

How does Traveling Pianos stand out?
Firstly, it just SOUNDS amazing out of the box. Having compared it to almost every other popular piano library out there, it definitely has a sound like no other. This is true of both the C7 and the G5. One of my beta testers said that he could play classical, jazz and pop without changing a thing.

Secondly, the sample footprint is wonderfully low without losing the full range of dynamics whatsoever. Both pianos load TOGETHER in SECONDS.

Thirdly, we have created over 20 creative built-in presets. And you can customize and change any of these presets via EQ, 3 Mic positions, reverb amount, room size, added tines, string and saloon (honky tonk) layers.

And Fourthly, we have created multis that stack both pianos on top of each other. Both pianos are tuned so precisely that layering them together became feasible. And with the addition of string, saloon, and tine layers, the creative possibilities are endless.

$199.9 Value


No-brainer alert! If you don’t already know, Traveling Pianos is one of the best and most complete piano collections in existence. Don't miss out...

Key Features

Numerous presets that will enable you to "travel" in both time and style with a single click.
Numerous multis combining both pianos which create "fat" and sophisticated sound pallets.
Three mic positions for both pianos.
Includes true samples for both sustain pedal up and down.
Sustain and Una Corda pedal features with controllable "body" sounds.
Mixable Strings layer that add gorgeous texture and "padding".
Mixable "Saloon" layer that provides an "old timey", "honky tonk" feel.
Velocity-controlled, and mixable "Tines" feature that add a metallic attack at the beginning of each note.
Room size and amount - Our room, which is both convolution AND reverb based, has been specially-designed to provide a truly "concert hall" sound.
Available room ambience and/or audience sounds can be added to provide a very realistic setting.
And everything loads in seconds!





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Traveling Pianos by Kirk Hunter Studios

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