Complete the Bundle!
Get the Lost Harpsichords Bundle by Realsamples
for just $59.95 instead of $199.90 (save $140)!
Are you ready to discover the secrets of the “lost” instruments used by Bach and other Baroque composers?
If so, you won’t want to miss this amazing offer from Realsamples. The Lost Harpsichords Bundle features 2 sample libraries
of long-gone instruments in Kontakt® format: German Lautenwerck – samples of a long-gone instrument and
German Theorbo-Harpsichord – also a long-gone instrument, but like a “big brother”.
With these instruments, you can create stunning Baroque-style music, or use them as a source
of inspiration for your own compositions. You can also mix and match them with other
instruments and genres, creating unique and original soundscapes.