At some point, every beatmaker asks themselves this question: “Is there just one synth that does everything?” We chase after the perfect synth, hoping it does everything so we can consolidate our workflow and limit the amount of plugins we use. But in reality, we end up collecting multiple synths, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
KV331 Audio’s latest flagship update, SynthMaster 3, packs a punch. At first glance, this looks like a simple incremental update, but it’s a rebuild that adds more synthesis types, an improved interface, and better modulation capabilities.
Sequencing & Arpeggiation
SynthMaster 3 brings a lot to the table. Each of the 16 layers has its own step sequencer and arp, which means you can create all sorts of creative patterns and chord runs without ever leaving the synth.
This is a huge plus for electronic producers, or really, any music producer who enjoys experimenting with rhythms.
Lot’s Of New Presets To Play With
KV331 didn’t hold back regarding presets; SynthMaster 3 comes with 900+ new factory presets that cover everything from deep basses and pads to flutes, cinematic sounds and lots of cool leads.
- Presets are great as a starting point, or a source of inspiration.
- If you like designing sound from scratch, the routing and modulation system makes it easier.
The only thing missing? More multi-layered presets that fully showcase the power of the 16-layer engine. But with a little effort, you can easily create your own.
One thing I love about SynthMaster 3 is how they went about allow users to preview sounds. Most synths require you to load the sound patch or ‘down arrow’.
With Synth Master 3, all you have to do is hover your mouse arrow over the pay button positioned next to the preset and you can hear a preview of the patch before you load it.
SynthMaster 3 Features
Feature | Description |
Modular Architecture | Up to 16 layers, with each layer supporting 16 modules and 32 modulation sources. |
Multiple Editing Views | 3 unique views for editing parameters Layer View, Track View, and Mix View (for insert FX and send FX). |
Granular Oscillator | Each oscillator of the new granular synth engine supports up to 16 voices, with each voice generating up to 32 grains, allowing 512 grains per oscillator. |
VAnalog Oscillator | Mimics analog circuitry behavior using curve segments with 2 morphable wave shapes and an independent sub oscillator. |
Wave Shaper Effect | A distortion processor with multiple algorithms, including Soft Tanh, Heavy, Fuzz, Fold Sine, Rectify, Clip, and Bitcrush, allowing for extreme tonal shaping. |
Phaser Filter | A polyphonic phaser filter that processes each voice individually. Uses multiple all-pass filters mixed with the input signal to create rich, sweeping phasing effects. |
Formant Filter | Morphs between vowel sounds using a parallel bank of filters. Choose initial and final vowels to create expressive vocal like effects. |
Noise LFO | New modulation source that generates sample and hold noise (white, pink, brown, violet, blue). |
Scaler (Improved from Keyscaler) | Select any modulation source (not just key tracking) and shape it with a waveshaper style processing. |
Arpeggiator & Sequencer | Each layer has a dedicated arpeggiator and sequencer. |
Advanced Editors | Waveform Editor, Wavetable Editor, and Multi-Sample Editor. |
Enhanced Preset Browser | New preset browser for faster navigation and better organization. |
$299.00$149.00base price $149$299.00$149.00base price $149
A Few Simple Tips for Getting Comfortable with SynthMaster 3
If you’re new to Synthesis and open SynthMaster 3, there is a good chance that you might feel overwhelmed.
Don’t worry, here are some tips to help you get started.
1. Start Messing With the Presets (Don’t Overthink It)
The best way to start is by rifling through the stock presets. You can filter by instrument type, such as bass, pad, or lead, to find something close to the sound you want.
Load a preset, experiment with a setting or 2; maybe adjust the filter or add some modulation or something.
Starting this way will help you learn how different settings affect the sound without getting stuck trying to build something from scratch.
2. Get to Know the Three Views
SynthMaster 3 has three main views that control different aspects of the synth.
Layer View lets you edit a single layer’s sound, adjusting oscillators, filters, and modulation.
Track View is for controlling multiple layers, including zones, unison, and the arpeggiator.
Mix View allows you to manage effects and send levels. If you’re ever unsure where to start, begin with Layer View.
3. Understand the Oscillators
The oscillators are the heart of SynthMaster 3’s sound engine, and each type has its own purpose.
VAnalog oscillator is excellent for warm, analog style synths/classic leads.
Granular oscillator lets you chop and stretch samples into some pretty cool and interesting textures
Wavetable oscillator is best for shaping sounds that shift over time.
4. Take Advantage of the Built-In Arpeggiator and Sequencer
Absolutely love this feature. It’s a good way to get things going rhythmically without doing much and hear your tweaks and adjustments musically from the jump.
Experimenting with random steps in the arpeggiator can also lead to creative ideas.
Lastly! Sit Down and Have Fun
A lot of music producers (beatmakers, too) forget to have FUN! Music should be FUN! SynthMaster 3 isn’t the flashiest synth, and it doesn’t have to be, but its sounds are great.
Would you like some specific sound design tips based on the genre you’re working in? Let me know!
Fun & Easy Ways to Create Awesome Sounds in SynthMaster 3

1. Let’s Work With Some Pads (Give Them Some Movement)
Pads that have movement to them add both dynamics and a sense of realism to your music. The more stagnant the sounds are, the more boring they become in the track.
How to do it
- Load a sample or wavetable into the Granular Oscillator.
- Increase the Grain Count to spread out the sound, making it lush.
- Add an LFO or Envelope to modulate the grain size or pitch.
Modulate the filter cutoff and resonance with a slow LFO if you want the pad to feel alive.
2. Make an 808 That Hits Hard with the VAnalog Oscillator
Custom 808s hit harder than presets and make your beats stand out.
Here’s What You Do
- Start with a sine wave in the VAnalog oscillator.
- Set the Filter Cutoff to around 60-80 Hz.
- Add Distortion (Wave Shaper)
- Adjust Mix and Drive
Use ears and adjusting the Mix and Drive parameters (to taste)
3. Make Sounds Thick By Stacking Layers
A lot of Professional sound designers and producers are bigs fans of layering multiple sounds together in order to create rich, bold sounds.
How to do it
- Layer a Granular pad, a Wavetable lead, and a Sub Bass for a full sound.
- Adjust the stereo position for each layer to add width.
Another thing you could do, if you have the cpu to handle it is add separate instances of SynthMaster to your project.
Using different envelopes for each layer makes them fade in and out at other times, adding a sense of motion.
SynthMaster 3 Recap
If you want a synth that does everything, SynthMaster 3 is a strong contender. It’s not as immediate or flashy like Serum or Phase Plant, but it gets the job done and well.
Great for Sound designers, synth lovers, and producers who want maximum flexibility.
Not ideal for Music Producers or beatmakers who want quick, simple sounds
For the price, SynthMaster 3 is a steal,
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