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[WATCH] ZapZorn Master Collection Walkthrough

[WATCH] ZapZorn Master Collection Walkthrough


Let’s take a trip off the beaten path of sample libraries, and check out something truly unique… the ZapZorn Master Collection!!

This collection is a bundle containing every single product by ZapZorn, including the Solstice Series (Green, Blue, and Red), ZapZorn Elements, ZapZorn Solos, and the Kitchen Bundle!

These libraries are very unusual, and you won’t find anything like them anywhere else.

Zapzorn Elements is described on their website as follows:
Elements sound set comes from over 100 tonal objects made from glass, metal, plastic, and wood sampled in over 400 performances (like stuck, plucked, hand hit, etc. – non-looping hit based samples) to give the 1.9 Gb library nearly 4000 multi-velocity samples in 96k/24bit resolution. “

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Combine these sounds with an arpeggiator, trigger FX, ADSR and LFO envelopes, and the possibilities for creating unique elements to add to your tracks are huge!

The Solstice series (Solstice Green, Solstice Blue, and Solstice Red) is a collection of pads and soundscapes inspired by the sounds of nature, with sound sources ranging from the human voice to bowed bowls, and combines them with top notch effects to twist and distort the sound sources into otherworldy, ethereal soundscapes. Each collection in the Solstice Series comes with both tonal and atonal instruments, or presets, and seemingly infinite ways to combine them and add effects to get a sound that is truly your own. Some of the sounds are alien and incredibly creepy, and others are ambient and beautiful. The possibilities are staggering with these products alone.

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The ZapZorn Solos are tailored instruments offering struck metal, plastic, and wood sounds. Included are instruments such as Glass Bowls, Wine Glasses, Propane Tanks (Hank Hill anyone?), and more unique and bizarre objects that you wouldn’t usually think to use as an actual instrument. Nonetheless, they all sound great and are instantly playable!

The Kitchen Suite is an updated version of instruments from ZapZorn Solo, including Bottles and Jugs, Forks Knives and Spoons, and Utensils. The Kitchen Suite contains 40 times the amount of patches as the original instruments in ZapZorn Solo, so essentially the Kitchen Suite takes the Solos to a whole new level!

This collection is perfect for anyone who loves bizarre instruments, creepy soundscapes and beautiful, evolving pads. Stop by the site and check it out today, available 70% off for a limited time!

-Brian Freeland, APD

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