Hi, Jon here with Audio Plugin Deals. I hope you enjoy my inaugural software review! My first assignment was Keepforest’s Evolution: Dragon. Anyone looking for cinematic sounds will be impressed with this bombastic library. Because this library is simply epic.

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Keepforest’s Evolution: Dragon
Evolution: Dragon is sorted into several sections. Firstly, the primary folder starts under “Instruments.” This initial folder features your standard set of cinematic trailer sounds. I’m talking about braams, downers, risers, hits, subs, and whooshes. In rhythm you’ll find pulse designers and a further set of presets called “Beat Machine” and “Standart.” There is also a “TONAL” set of sounds which includes folders for bass, guitars, leads, other (which is 3 pianos), pads, and plucks. As a result of this organization, the library is very easy to navigate.
Big Sound
Above all, these sounds are BIG. If you’re looking for some massive sounds, particularly for trailers, Evolution Dragon will be satisfactory. There’s your standard BRAAMS, DOWNERS, and HITS. The SHORT HITS can even be worked into a makeshift drum beat, as if the footsteps of giants and Kaiju is somehow synchronizing into a cataclysmic groove.
Keeping the Groove
To hold everything together, you’re given a plethora of SEQUENCES and PULSES. These rhythmic synth building blocks are perfect for trailers, or thrilling chase sequences, or giant battles, or sweeping drone shots of a pandemic ripping through a city. You can program custom movements in the “motion” section.
Quieter Tones
But not everything is loud and booming with the Evolution: Dragon library. No, Keepforest gave us a few options for quieter tones. The GUITAR presets within the TONAL section of the library are very ambient. Both swells and picked / plucked notes are available. Floating through the swells on the monosynth sounds satisfying and smooth.
Most noteworthy among the quieter tones is the Cold Piano. Strike a key in the mid-register and tell me you HAVEN’T heard that in trailers before. It’d be a bold-faced lie! They really nailed it with the bittersweet, cautiously optimistic, “Rise up” piano vibe, soaking it in reverb and atmosphere. This preset is great in the lead up to the action.
User Interface
It’s also worth noting, the user interface is beautiful. Not every brilliant VST or Kontakt library is bedazzled with killer graphics, and it’s not necessary. I’m looking at you, Synth1…we all probably are. Regardless, it’s a nice touch when there is an eye-catching UI. And Evolution Dragon has some beautiful graphic design. More importantly, it’s easy-to-navigate, making live changes to presets fun and oftentimes rewarding.
Sample Track
I threw together this quick sample track to show off what is possible with Evolution: Dragon. I can only imagine the possibilities with a bit more time. I look forward to looking deeper into this synth. It will become a staple among my collection.
Conclusion – Evolution: Dragon rocks!
Producers can check out my video to see a number of presets in action. Customers looking for giant sounds should be sure to snag this deal. These sounds are so monstrous you’ll be taming your dragon in no time!