Sordina is an effects plugin from LibreWave which emulates the sound of a muted instrument, so you don’t need to buy an entirely new library to get a realistic muted brass sound! If you are a brass player, you can use this plugin on your recordings as well, and get a realistic and effective muted sound without having to go out and buy a mute for your instrument!

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There are presets for various instruments, such as the trumpet trombone, and french horn, as well as saxophones, tubas, flugelhorns, and more! There are a variety of muted sounds to choose from as well, from bucket and cup mutes, to stops for the french horn, to the iconic Harmon mute which can get a “wah wah” type effect (think of Charlie Browns teacher, or the “failure” trombone sound effect we hear so often in cartoons).
The best way to understand exactly what it does is to hear it in action, so check out the video!
2 Responses
I cant understand the need for this plugin. Every decent brass library comes with muted samples that sound 100% better than this plugin
Maybe not everyone is using a “decent” brass library. There are many basic sampled brass instruments or brass section instruments which do not.
Perhaps more importantly, for sound sculpting purposes this product can provide a wide range of tonal variations whether you already have matching muted samples or not… and not only for brass.
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