In this video, I’ll be showing how by using a couple of setting tweaks, you can optimize the performance of Kontakt. Do subscribe for more videos like this and ring the bell to keep up to date with our notifications and deals.
There are a number of reasons why Kontakt may not be performing as well as it could, but almost all of them result in sounding like dropped notes or sustain tails that suddenly stop.

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Look out for these 3 things at the top of the Kontakt interface: CPU load, Disk load and Voice Count. If any of these figures are approaching maximum then you’re in trouble.
To help with CPU load, reduce the Max Voice Count of your instrument, so that new notes are heard but not held longer than necessary.
If your hard disk is maxing out, click into the Cog icon and open the Memory menu and increase the preload buffer size, loading more samples into RAM.
If RAM and CPU readings are fine but you’re still hearing dropped notes, increase the Max Voices until it’s enough to cover the playback of all of your notes.
Tell us in the comments your favorite ways to optimize Kontakt performance.
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