Pure Synth is a software-based ROMpler that contains plenty of terrific sounds that I believe could be used as secret weapons when you create your next track.
The factory presets cover almost all bases and include stylised acoustic pianos, realistic orchestral strings and countless pads and synth presets that are all ready to go.

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With the current you deal you will get access to a 6 GB bundle (8.11 uncompressed) containing Pure Synth Platinum 2, EDM Leads, Racked 808 and 8-bit Sounds.
One of the most exciting features about this bundle is the ability to manipulate the presets within the interface. This can be done through modulations parameters or the one of the 20 builtin effects. Included in the effects you will find various types of reverb, equalisers and chorus effects (just to name a few). Although most sounds are ready to use straight away, having this flexibility really gives you control to make these sounds your own.
For keyboard players and pianists this library is a dream. The instruments feel alive and energetic in a way that is fun to play with. As the instrument has been designed by musicians it is no surprise at how playable the instruments feel.
With the inclusion of the expansions this bundle really becomes a powerhouse. I found that with heavy and clear bass the 808 presets were ready for the club. The 8-Bit synths were crisp and authentic and could easily recreate the sounds of classic arcade games with flexibility. Finally the EDM leads felt ready for the festivals with sounds that will get the crowd jumping.
To conclude, I think this instrument is a great find for anyone who wants to have fun jamming with top quality sounds or would like something new to give their tracks more flavour.