Need something new to spice up your cinematic music productions? Check out Vocalisa from Impact Soundworks, an authentic Bulgarian choir which offers a supremely unique tone and timbre, and is a breath of fresh air from the normal classical/orchestral choirs.

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Vocalisa is a Kontakt library (Full Version!) and comes with quite a few different patches:
–Full Ensemble (Master, Clusters, FX)
–Altos (Master, Clusters, FX, Staccato)
–Sopranos (Master, Clusters, FX, Staccato)
–Mezzo Sopranos (Master, Clusters, FX, Staccato)
–Soloists (Master, Clusters, FX)
At the heart of the master patches is a versatile syllable/phrase builder, allowing you to piece together custom phrases, saving up to 12 custom patterns for you to switch out on the fly. Another option is to have each syllable assigned to a different keyswitch, so you can simply press the keyswitch while playing live, and it will seamlessly switch to a new syllable.
The soloist patch allows for a more intimate and detailed sound, and works great layered on top of the full ensembles. The clusters are AMAZING at building tension and you can get some spine chilling cluster swells by riding the mod wheel (cc01). I suspect most of us will start with the full ensemble master patch, which is the heart of the melodic content, but don’t forget to check out the clusters and soloists as well, as the soloists have some amazing and unique ornaments which add realism and flavor.