In this Audio Plugin Deals review I’ll be checking out the Retro Gadgets Bundle. This bundle from PRECISIONSOUND offers toy keyboards, speak and spell like devices, and more. Users who snag the deal will get four instruments to work with!
The Gadgets
Users who purchase the bundle will receive four separate instruments. Each of these instruments utilized retro gadgets. Because of this, composers will be able to make use of instantly nostalgic tones.

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Retro Gadgets 1 draws from three gadgets; the Waddington Computer-A-Tune, a ’70s toy keyboard, and both the white and the black Dubrek Stylophone. You’ll get 21 different instruments on Kontakt and Reason, 224 24-bit mono WAV files, and 7 programs in SoundFont format or for NN-XT (Reason.)
The 2nd gadgets collection is pulled from three more toy keyboards. Users will find themselves a bank for the V-Tech Music Major, the WOC 100 (a stylophone clone) and the Texas Instruments Speak & Music.
The 3rd collection consists of the Casio VL-1, the ASAHI (an obscure Japanese organ), and the Harward H359.
And the 4th collection offers FIVE instruments. Composers will be getting the Polivox Faemi mini, the Concept 2000, the Mix Me DJ, the Yamaha PS1, and the Stylophone Woodstyle.
These toy keyboards are instantly nostalgic. Due to this nostalgic tone, and the nature of the instruments, they are perfect for a myriad of uses. Games with retro graphics, cell phone apps, or any sort of nostalgia based product. You can tweak the sounds and work them into movie trailers, or soundtracks, or hip hop / trap beats.
Be weary that these libraries require the full version of Kontakt. Composers with the free Kontakt player will need to upgrade. So composers who feel a hankering to make songs on retro toy keyboards, be advised.
If you are feeling really retro, you could try your hand at creating your own 8 bit chiptune.
I’ve made a sample song using the instruments from Retro Gadgets 1, 2, 3, and 4. Check it out below!
Retro Gadget Bundle Demo Track
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