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[WATCH] Introducing Sektor by Initial Audio!

[WATCH] Introducing Sektor by Initial Audio!


Sektor is a cutting edge hybrid wavetable synthesizer, aimed at the modern producer who needs to hottest sounds straight out of the box.

At it’s heart, Sektor is a dual oscillator soft synth, but what makes it unique, is the option to not only load analog waves (square, saw, sine, etc), but to also load up a massive variety of unique and cutting edge waveforms. The variety of different textures and sounds you can conjure up is quite impressive.

I feel that while this product is surely capable of covering all genres, it seems Sektor targets a specific audience, and that is modern producers, focusing on trap, dubstep, hardstyle, etc. The sounds are very modern, often very dirty and gritty, which perfectly suits the aforementioned genres.

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There are many presets included, covering arps, basses, pads, leads, plucks, synths, brass, strings, keys, FX, and more.

The effects included are all top notch, and the inclusion of a trance-gate effect that just works, along with distortion, reverb, compression, EQ, and more, means that this plugin will sound great without any external processing whatsoever. Just load up a preset, tweak it a bit, or even start from scratch to build your own, and you’re in for a treat.

Since this is a fairly new plugin, and I own so many synths already, I was not sure what to expect. I can saw however that Sektor really carves out a niche in the crowded market of VST Synths, and will absolutely appeal to anyone looking for cutting edge and modern sounds.

Stop by the site and check out Sektor today! (Free demo available to download from the Initial Audio site)

-Brian Freeland, APD

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