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Nemesis by Behemoth Audio
Glissando Harps by Chocolate Audio

Glissando Harps by Chocolate Audio

3.8/ 5.0 ( Total reviews: 4 )

For just $39.00 (normally $169.00), get Glissando Harps for the full version of Kontakt by Chocolate Audio!

Chocolate Audio’s Glissando Harps contains two complete and flexible Classical Harps with different microphone sets and exclusive Glissando Engine allowing you to play any glissando in real-time, with no pre-recorded glissandos.

The user interface is thought out to be easy and quick to learn and use while featuring the power-user tools some of us love to tweak when working with deeply sampled instruments.

This is a limited-time offer you should not miss!

NOTE: This product requires the full version of Kontakt 5.5.2 or higher




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Glissando Harps by Chocolate Audio

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